No matter what size star tattoos are rendered on ink, they seem to shine all the time. This makes them a favorite choice for those who are looking to get tattooed. Their flexibility in terms of color, size and symbolism ranked them in top spot for being one of the most sought after designs for tattoo newbies and veterans alike.
Stars were believed to influence human life during the early days as divinities or agents of divinity. They can symbolize many things such as supremacy, constancy, vigilance, aspirations or guidance. Meanings can also differ depending on how many points a star has. In the world of tattoos, stars as designs vary for both men and women.
Nautical star tattoo is a favorite design for men because it can make them appear very masculine. The nautical star is a 5-pointed star with 3d illusion; the points are split in half and filled with an alternating color (usually black-red or black-white). Sailors during ancient times rely on stars to find their way and get them back home safely. Thus nautical star tattoos stand for protection and guidance, probably an indication of finding one's path in life. Men usually prefer them embedded their on arms or chest.
Traditionally shooting stars were meant to denote a new birth and changes in ones life and also a wish for a better life. Shooting star tattoos are very pretty and versatile on women. They are placed on lower stomach, shoulder blade, arm, foot or ankle, usually to exude sex appeal. They are suggestive of going for one's dreams or goals in life or an indication of wishes coming true. They can also be an expression of one's inner desire to be a star and they generally look cool and sexy. Just like the brief wonder of seeing a shooting star race across the night sky, shooting star tattoos can also symbolize a brief fleeting moment in ones life. Whether inked in variety of colors or just plain black, shooting star tattoos always come out very striking and interesting.